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Governor Wolf wants to ease some pandemic restrictions on May 8 in selected areas of Pennsylvania that have been slightly impacted by the new coronavirus. Though there is no timetable and metrics yet, the governor said he would lie down more concrete steps next week.

During a video news conference, Wolf has stated that “there is no magic wand to wave to get us back to where we want to be,”, all while unveiling his ‘Relief, Reopening, Recovery’ plans. The governor imposed tough measures against the ongoing pandemic. The state suffers from the virus with nearly 30,000 residents and with over 750 deaths to date.

While nearing month two of lock down, state health authorities report that this action has been very helpful since noting the significance in the slow down of the virus. But, as most PA non- essential businesses continue to be shut down, PA’s economy continues to spiral leaving 1.4 million Pennsylvania residents out of work.

Some employers and organizations in selected counties could, however, reopen, given that they adhere strictly to the guidelines of the state’s Department of Health and other health-related agencies. If at one time there is a virus outbreak scare, these permitted businesses would close once again. An average of 50 new positive cases per 100,000 residents for 14 days will signal the safety of moving out from the lockdown.

To see the totality of Governor Wolf’s plan, click here.


Fox 29 Philadelphia. 17 April 2020. Gov. Wolf unveils plan to reopen Pennsylvania economy. Retrieved from: